Using Bleach??? Definitely not! Knowing its risks makes me reluctant to use it.

You and I have probably known “Bleach” as the best product to whiten your clothes, clean your bathrooms and all around your house, but maybe we never investigated about the risks it represent to cleaners, home owners and in the environment in general.  Therefore, I have found a lot of information about how harmful is it and for this reason we are encouraging our customers to become “Green-consumers” , it means, to start using products which not represent a risk-factor for us and for the best place to live … our earth.

1) Bleach is a mixing chlorine and caustic soda (sodium hydroxide), in a kind of reversal of the chlor-alkali process.  Maybe you and I do not understand or know about chemistry, but it does not sound so encouraging using this in our houses. Since both products are so dangerous in or outside of our houses.

2) Bleach is not good for humans, when you mix it with ammonia creates a deadly gas which narrow your respiratory conduits avoiding you to breath and causing nausea or vomiting, then chocking. People who work repeatedly with Bleach “develop adverse effects from repeat inhalation exposure to chlorine.  It can cause short breathnes , affects inmune system, blood and in general human health” EPA.  It also cause cancer, liver and kidney problems.

Is bleach good at all?

3) Bleach is not good for plants, it impedes their growth and depletes nutrients residing in soil.  As plants depends on microorganisms like fungus and bacteria in the soil, which cause aeration in the soil helping retain water and nutrients good for them. Then, when you pour any bleach on them it kills these microorganisms and makes earth to become sterilized. Even though plants need chloride in very small quantities to help with the growth of chloroplasts.

4) Bleach is not good for environment.  It contains chlorine which was used as a weapon during the first world war.  It poses a high risk to the wild life because the waste waters running throw our rivers, and has been connected with laboratory-animals cancer. Pets and birds are also in extremely risk because of their small air-capacity when filling their lungs of contaminated vapors. According to the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)  the risk of being exposed during long periods and the frequency of those exposures makes people and environment more harm-vulnerable.

You can find alternative products to use to whiten clothes and places like your shower at home.   Try using baking soda or vinegar;   soak any garment diluting water and baking soda and leave it for some minutes, then you will see the results. Hydrogen Peroxide also can help to get whiter places at home.  And the last but not less important is the solar power, you can expose your clothes to it and the effect of the ultra-violet rays will recover the whitest state of your clothes.

Lemons are also good to clean around your faucets, your glass containers or windows.  Maybe you need to spend more time, but at the end you will see that you have saved yourself and your family of facing risks as the mentioned before.  I sincerely invite you to change your mind and use “Green Products” around your house to ensure a better health quality and preserve our earth, which is a marvelous place to live.

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